Wednesday, August 26, 2009

" Like a painting, it is the minor details that makes life all the more vibrant. " - David Alan Bates

The Story
I just heard a magnificent story of how the relationship between a mother and a daughter was smoothened out. Parents often have a hard time accepting their children for who they are, they either want the unachievable best for them or expect them to be the unachievable best. Very often parents (bless them) do not realise the little things that their children do to make them happy. All they see are the late night parties, the flaws, the idiots they date and everything else. But today I witnessed how a parent finally understood how much her daughter has actually done to make the mother happy.

The mother finally realised that while her child is not always at home and not always the person she wishes her to be... there are numerous little things which her child has done for nobody elses but her mothers sake. Simple things like going home more often for dinner or just keeping silent company in front of the TV, things that her mother never realised and took for granted.

To the mom, suddenly her daughter seems like such a perfect child and for the daugther, all her efforts are suddenly made more worth while.

Forget the big picture, it is often the little brush strokes that bring a painting to life.

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